公開日 2022.11.10
更新日 2022.11.14
1. Points to follow
(1) Those with symptoms such as a fever, cough, or sore throat:
① As a general rule, please recuperate at home without going outside for 7 days, with the "day when symptoms started appearing" counting as day 0.
* However, if 24 hours have passed since your symptoms have improved, it is possible to go out for the minimum necessary amount of time for tasks such as grocery shopping. Even in that case, wear a mask when you go out, do not stay out for long, and do not use public transportation such as buses, trains, or taxis.
② If you have no fever on the 7th day and your cough has not gotten worse, you will be able to go out normally starting from the 8th day.
(2) Those who have been asymptomatic since before the COVID-19 test:
① As a general rule, please recuperate at home without going outside for 7 days with the "test date" counting as day 0.
* However, if you continue to have no symptoms, you can go out for the minimum necessary amount of time for tasks such as grocery shopping. Even in that case, wear a mask when you go out, do not stay out for long, and do not use public transportation such as buses, trains, or taxis.
② If no symptoms appear for the 7 days, you can go out normally starting from the 8th day.
* However, if symptoms appear by day 7, as a general rule, you cannot go out for 7 days with the “day when symptoms started appearing” counting as day 0.
(3) Points for both those with and without symptoms:
Since the risk of infecting others remains until the 10th day after the day symptoms began or
until the 10th day after the test, avoid meeting with the elderly or others who are at a high risk
of becoming seriously ill if infected, avoid using places where there is a high risk of infection,
and avoid eating in large groups.
2. Support System from Tokushima Prefecture
(1) Recuperation at a hotel
① The following persons are eligible to use hotels secured by Tokushima Prefecture.
a. People who have elderly or other people at home who are at a high risk of becoming seriously ill if they become infected.
b. Travelers who cannot continue to stay at the hotel where they have been staying.
② Those who have no means of transportation to the hotel secured by Tokushima Prefecture can be picked up and dropped off by a car arranged by Tokushima Prefecture.
* However, when returning from the hotel secured by Tokushima Prefecture, please use public transportation such as buses, trains, or taxis, or ask a family member or acquaintance to take you home.
③ There is no charge for lodging or meals at the hotels secured by Tokushima Prefecture.
* Three boxed lunch meals will be provided. After an announcement from the hotel, you will receive your meals at a designated location.
* There is no room cleaning, sheet changing, or laundry service.
④ You are not allowed to leave your room except for receiving meals, taking out the garbage, or in case of emergency.
* It is not possible to receive items from family or acquaintances or to use delivery services.
⑤ A nurse will contact you about your health three times a day by phone or on LINE.
⑥ You can receive medicine at the hotel, but you will have to pay for it.
⑦ The day you leave the hotel will be the morning of the 8th day, starting from the day you started showing symptoms, which is day 0. However, if symptoms are still present on the 7th day, the date of discharge may be extended.
(2) Receiving relief supplies
① Those who are diagnosed as positive and are recuperating at home and cannot ask family members or acquaintances to do the shopping on their behalf can receive relief supplies such as food and drinks from Tokushima Prefecture.
② Relief supplies will be delivered to your home two to three days after you apply for them.
③ Relief supplies will be delivered free of charge.
④ You can only apply for one set of relief supplies one time.
3. How to apply for the support system
Those who wish to recuperate at a hotel or receive relief supplies should fill out the "Application for Use of the Support System" available on TOPIA’s website and send it to the following e-mail address.
[e-mail address] tokushima_covid19@mail.pref.tokushima.jp
○Application for Use of the Support System