公開日 2017.09.05
更新日 2017.09.06
What to do During a Ballistic Missile Attack
A ballistic missile has the possibility of falling in less than 10 minutes from when it is set off. When there is a possibility that the missile will fall in Japan, J-Alert, emergency information sent instantaneously, will be sent out, the emergency broadcast system will play a siren and send out a message, and people will be notified of emergency information through an emergency alert mobile text message.
1) Evacuate immediately
2) Collect accurate information in a timely manner
Follow the instructions of the government, stay calm, and take action.
An Example of a J-Alert in Romanized Japanese:
Tadachi ni hinan. Tadachi ni hinan. Tadachi ni ganjou na tatemono ya chika ni hinan shite kudasai. Misairu ga rakka suru kanousei ga arimasu. Tadachi ni hinan shite kudasai.
(English: Evacuate immediately. Evacuate immediately. Evacuate to a basement/underground area or a robust building structure immediately. There is a possibility that a missile will hit. Evacuate immediately.)
When you receive this message, stay calm and take action immediately.
If you are indoors: Evacuate to a robust building structure or underground.
(Underground: Underground shopping arcade, underground train station, and other underground facilities)
If there are no buildings: Duck and take cover or lay face down to the ground and protect yourself.
If you are indoors: Stay away from the windows or move to a room with no windows.
If the missile hits ground nearby
Outdoors: Cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief, leave the area immediately, and evacuate to a sealed indoor area or a windward area.
Indoors: Turn off any ventilation fan, close the window, be aware and keep the room shut tight.
(Reference: http://www.kokuminhogo.go.jp/pdf/290421koudou2.pdf)