Japanese Writing and Reading Courses for Foreign Residents

公開日 2016.10.05


                    Japanese Writing and Reading Courses for Foreign Residents


Time period: 2 times a week (Monday and Thursday), Total of 40 classes (October 24th- March 16th)


Courses: (You can take both courses, or just one):


1)    Kanji Course: 9:15-10:45 AM


We will break up in to small groups depending on level and learn Kanji.


2)    Parents Japanese Course: 11:00 AM-12:30 PM


We will learn Japanese culture and schools, grammar relating to having a conversation with teachers. In addition we will also be reading some example notifications and forms from schools and learn to respond to them.


Location: Workpia Tokushima 2nd Floor


Fee: Free (However, you must purchase the textbook on your own)


Sponsor: JTM Tokushima Nihongo Network


Please send your application to the following location: JTM Tokushima Nihongo Network


Contact us:TEL:090-1171-1945  FAX:088-656-0078  E-mail:fusa18@nifty.com   STAFF:Fusa Tamaki

                      TEL:090-6881-7764  FAX:088-652-5257  E-mail:kyoko-kamura@md.pikara.ne.jp   STAFF:Kyoko Kamura


